sailing the NorSea


WEEK 49 2018

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Saturday 8  December  2018
Saturday - Reasonable weather again.

Worked on the master bedroom bathroom for some hours.  Things are slowly getting done.  Nothing is quite where it should be - the builder had no sense of symmetry and some of his layout is just plain weird.  I keep reminding myself: this is temporary, until a real remodeling.

Book #42 was Call to Arms (Black Fleet Trilogy #2), by Joshua Dalzelle. 
Friday 7 December 2018
Friday - Reasonable weather.

I was using the pellet stove, but it went out at some point.  I think I need to pull it out from the wall and empty the chimney ash out.  Kind of a pain.  It's sort of a tie as to whether it or the propane heater is cheaper warmth, the regular heater heats quicker, but I like the flickering flame.

At some point the State of California will outlaw burning of wood or any carbon fuel.  The Democrats gain absolute control of the state next year, so I imagine that it will happen sooner rather than later.

They've already mandated solar panels on all new construction: that sucks for people up Arcata and Eureka way, who will never break even on the costs.

Book #41 was Warship (Black Fleet Trilogy #1), by Joshua Dalzelle.  It was OK, space battle opera stuff.

Thursday 6 December 2018
Thursday - Raining still.

Feeling a bit better.  Did some cleaning and dishes after a couple of days of no chores.

Remarkable, we were supposed to get 0.2" of rain, but it's 0.3" (or more). It's rare to get more than predicted around here. A friend reports seeing snow on the ground up at Gorman.

There were puddles and such, and water running down the road (southwards) but nothing running towards the house or accumulating there, which was a concern or mine - it's a very flat property.

The house is staying pleasantly dry and warm, running the pellet stove on "low".

Wednesday 5 December 2018

Wednesday - Rain, starting in the afternoon.

Still under the weather, so just another day of laying around and watching teevee.  Strongest flu shot reaction I've ever had.

Tuesday 4 December 2018
Tuesday - Another, cooler, winters day.

They are predicting rain for Wednesday, perhaps 0.2".

The cats were fed on time, but I had to get some blood drawn, which requires fasting, so breakfast for me was a bit delayed while I went into town and did that.

While in town I went by Home Depot and picked up some plumbing fittings, and blinds for the kitchen window, and some interior paint/primer for the master bath.

I was feeling low, which I put down to no breakfast, but even eating that that didn't help much.

I was, it turns out, having a strong reaction to the flu shot, feeling by mid-afternoon like I actually had the flu, complete with fever, sneezing and a runny nose!! Bah.

Monday 3 December 2018
Monday - A pleasant winter's day.

Off to Kaiser for a checkup and some shots in the morning.  Everything was as good as could be expected, no surprises.

By afternoon I was really tired though.  I think it was the flu shot.

Sunday 2 December 2018
Sunday - A typical winters day for the AV. Perhaps a bit warmer than usual.

No shopping in the morning, S had some sort of thing to do, and I am pretty well stocked up.

I had plans to do stuff in the afternoon, but basically just napped and took it easy, pretty tired again.  It was a very long week.

Book #40 was Tomorrow The World: In Which Cadet Otto Prohaska Carries the Habsburg Empire's Civilizing Influence to the Entirely Unreceptive Peoples of Africa and Oceania, by John Biggins.

Yes, the title is actually that long.

This is the prequel to Book #49, A Sailor of Austria.

Cadet Prohaska sails around the world by square rigger in about 1902.  A fun read.  The Habsburg Empire actually had no colonies in reality, to their credit, and the fictional efforts to create one along 'The Skeleton Coast' and a cannibal infested island in the South Seas come, eventually, to naught.

The square rigger is, in fact, a front-line warship - in 1902, not just a training ship!  The Habsburg Empire was a bit behind most "great powers" in terms of a Navy...

Picture of the Week

Winter sunset with clouds and contrails
Winter Sunset with clouds and contrails, 2018.

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