sailing the NorSea


WEEK 43 2021 

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Picture of the Week


Eighteen Years Ago, This Week, 2003 Seventeen Years Ago,
This Week, 2004
Sixteen Years Ago, This Week, 2005 Fifteen Years Ago, This Week, 2006
Fourteen Years Ago, This Week, 2007
Thirteen Years Ago, This Week, 2008
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Eleven Years Ago, This Week, 2010
Ten Years Ago This Week,

Nine Years Ago This Week,
Eight Years Ago,
This Week,
Seven Years Ago This Week 2014 Six Years Ago This Week, 2015 Five Years Ago This Week, 2016 Four Years Ago This Week, 2017 Three Years Ago This Week, 2018 Two Years Ago This Week, 2019 One Year Ago This Week, 2020


Saturday 23 October   2021

Saturday - It looks like the weather really will get wet, it's an "atmospheric river" thing, and it will mostly pound Northern California, but we should get something.

Researching washers and dryer's a bit more.  Lowe's actually is having a sale on the washer I was considering, $100 off the Best Buy price. And they have them in stock, which BB did not. I'll check tomorrow.

I had to finally block someone on my phone. They kept sending multiple texts and stuff at all hours. Unless I pick up immediately the notification goes off a second time. Then it transfers to the iPad and goes off a 3rd time. Then, if it's next to the laptop, that chimes for a 4th notification. Ugh.

Book #63 was The Lost Stars, Imperfect Sword (Midway #3), by Jack Campbell.

Friday 22 October 2021

Friday - Ah, TGIF.  I've been hitting it pretty hard for a retired guy...

I did go up on the roof and checked the chimney top.  It was actually looking OK.  I dabbed some FS on a couple of spots, but it didn't need much.

I had bought an auxiliary electric heater for the front room, for the days when it's too cool to be comfortable but too warm for the pellet stove. Unfortunately it seems like the ambient air temperature sensor is bad, so I'll have to take it back.  In the 50F garage it reads 64F, for example.

Book #62 was An Argumentation of Historians (St. Mary's #9), by Jodi Taylor.

Book #61 was And The Rest is History (St. Mary's #8), by Jodi Taylor.

Thursday 21 October 2021

Thursday - OK weather.

One of the things I bought was some Flex Seal for the chimney top, but I didn't get around to sealing it in the morning and the winds come up.  Well, tomorrow is another day.

Then I pulled the SunTex screening on the west side (front) of the house - much easier than unscrewing the frames that I use in back.

The canvas cover for the swamp cooler seems to be missing.  I've drained it, but need to put on the cover and to put the foam blocking panels inside the duct outlets. I really should get hangar bolts for all this stuff.

S is working away on stuff for the WMN app at her office.  I noticed that the google drive was almost full, so she's purging some of the stuff for the old app.  Not the final stuff, but a bunch of the intermediate work product.

Working away on things myself. Still torn about how to write things. The candidates are:

  1. Obj-C + Cocoa
  2. Obj-C + SpriteKit
  3. Swift + Cocoa
  4. Swift + SpriteKit
  5. SwiftUI

Wednesday 20 October 2021

Wednesday - Decent enough day.

Did some sun screen removals in back, since they are predicting rain for the weekend and I don't want them covered in mud.  It's a bit early in the year, but the house will stay reasonably cool during the day if it gets a chance to cool off at night.

S texted, said there was a panic run on the usual stuff at CostCo. I had to go to Lowe's for something, and checked next door and WinCo was normal, no shortages at all.

I think I read somewhere that there is a CostCo forum, and rumors start there?

Worked on the app in the afternoon, sketched up a candidate 'settings' page for the app, sent it to S.  Apparently my art work is a hoot...hey, I'm an Engineer, not a doctor artist!

Book #60 was Lies, Damn Lies, and History (St. Mary's #7), by Jodi Taylor.

Tuesday 19 October  2021

Tuesday - Cold overnight: ice on the bird bath this morning!

I took the sunscreens off the french doors in back, even though I'm sure we'll have a few days in the high 70s and low 80s.  It's nice having bright sun again!

The morning was spent doing a few mid-month bills, and going through various Medicare things, and making a few calls.

In the afternoon I did get some work in on "Whats My Name?"

Book #59 was What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (St. Mary's #6), by Jodi Taylor

Monday 18 October 2021

Monday - A pleasant morning.

Aaron called, and we went into town and filled the big propane tanks. I wasn't sure what to do with it, so I just stuck it in the garden area, inside the fence.

He mentioned that a family member had tested positive for COVID-19, despite getting two shots, and was home from work for a couple of days.  They feel fine.

Book #58 was No Time Like the Past (St. Mary's #5), by Jodi Taylor.

Sunday 17 October 2021

Sunday - Decent, cool in the morning.

I did the usual grocery shopping with S, at WinCo and the 99 Cent Store. We found some ghost peppers, so I bought a pack and gave them to the neighbors...

She had some issues with a tenant, so I did a quick search and found some locks and deadbolts from my old house she could use.  Absolutely covered in dust after a couple of decades though :-)

I did a bunch of the usual stuff around the house, but I do need to get off the pot with a replacement washer (and dryer?).

Picture of the Week

Budd and his shadow
  Budd & His Shadow, 2021.

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